ShopFront - E-commerce Web Components Plugin
Our plugin will give you access to hundreds of professional eCommerce UI components, sections, and templates ready to be customized for your brand, agency, creative and CRO work.*
Global Essentials
- Buttons + eCommerce buttons
- Inputs + eCommerce inputs
- Qty selectors
- Pricing components
- Badges
- Alerts (banners)
- Tabs
- Tooltips
- Hotspots (w/ product cards)
- Toggles
- Image ratio swapping placeholders
- Youtube, Vimeo, Custom video players
- Galleries
- Spacers & Dividers
- integrated eCommerce icons
- Social Signup
- 3rd Party Buttons
- Search & results
- Headers
- Footers
- Navigation Menus
- Pagination
- Breadcrumbs
- Atomic elements
- Contact Us
- Sign in / Sign up
- Atomic elements
- Contact Us
- Sign in / Sign up
- Product Cards
- Product Sections/grids
- Filtering & Sorting
-Category cards & Sections
-Product details
-Sale Callouts
- Navigation
- Mini Cart
- Cart Review
- Cart Summary
- Shipping Details
- Payment Details
Social / UGC
- Testimonials
- Social
- Chat
Page Content
- Content Cards & Sections
- Tabbed Content
- Headlines
- Hero
- Benefits/ UVP/USP
- Stats
-Store Locator / Details
Privacy & Security
- Cookies
- Captcha
- Credibility
- multiple variants
- multiple states
- accounts for various scenarios
- multiple product card starters
- a robust collection of filters
- various listing page elements
- various pagination
- currency and language selectors
- menus and navigation options
- auto layout enabled
- desktop-mobile swapping
- light-dark theme swapping
- image ratio swapping
- integrated eCommerce icons
- web compliance consideration
- only the best UX UI patterns
- Shopify & Magento specific components
Expect regular updates, improvements, and new additions as part of the subscription.
*Once you enable our plugin and use the components in your eCommerce design work per the licensing agreement. (Basically, you can use the features for client and personal projects but not in anything that will be sold on an online marketplace, reconfigured, remixed, or broken apart and redistributed.)
**More info about our design system at:
Access hundreds of professional eCommerce UI components, templates, and more!